No County Convention Needed. Moeller is second candidate

Henry County Commissioner of Elections Shelly Barber says there will not have to be a county convention, after all, to determine a second Republican supervisor candidate in the November County general election. In the recent primary election the two top vote getters were Chad White with 1,601 votes and Greg Moeller with 1,066 votes.  A candidate must receive a certain percentage of the votes. That percentage was arrived at by using a calculation that was used in a similar situation in 1996.  But according to Barber the law has changed since then. The calculation is total votes cast in the supervisor race which was 4,507 divided by the 2 open seats. That equals 2,254 multiplied by 35% making the magic number of votes that are required 789.  Therefore Chad White and Greg Moeller won the Nomination for the General Election.